Squeeb! is currently a small adventure game created by @Grydot. It is currently offline only until I can perfect the server-client relationship. More information, Screenshots, and the Alpha can be found below!
More Information: Squeeb! is an adenture RPG where you assume to role of an adventurer. The game isn't very graphically demanding and doesnt require a lot of input. Squeeb! aims to be the best game to play alongside another game. It has lots of inspiration from RuneScape with some key differences: There is no level cap and it has 2D pixel graphics. Explore the low bit world and grind out your skills!

Latest Version I am working on a launcher with auto-updates. For now you will need to download the zip.

Want To Help?
Have an idea for Squeeb?
Apply for a job @ someinternet.company/jobs

If you want to support Squeeb! development follow us on our socials! <3